Mewujudkan Indonesia Emas 2045: Harapan dan Impian Bangsa

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Prabowo Subianto is the author of the text [taken from the book 1 Military Leadership: notes from the experience of the Lieutenant General TNI (Purn) Prabowo Subianto

Our dream, all the people of Indonesia, is to have decent jobs, all our nation’s children can attend school and seek the best education smoothly, all basic needs are met at affordable prices, all farmers can smile because the prices of their products are good, all workers can sleep soundly because they receive sufficient income, all teachers diligently educate the nation and their lives are guaranteed by the government, police, prosecutors, soldiers struggle with decent wages and good living conditions, all patients receive the best service at the hospital. Our eternal ideals are for Indonesia to be a strong and respected independent country. To be a respected country because its people live prosperous, fair, and happy lives without oppression, from Sabang to Merauke. Indonesia’s state is aimed at progress and prosperity.

My decision to enter the world of politics came from a realization. This awareness I gained from studying the history of the Indonesian nation and other nations, from discussions with hundreds of economic experts, entrepreneurs, and statesmen from Indonesia and abroad, also from my experience of serving as a soldier and entrepreneur for decades.

My first awareness is that the economic and political system chosen by our founding fathers, namely the Pancasila economic and democratic system, is actually the best choice for building Indonesia and achieving our independence goals. The current economic system run by the state does not meet what is outlined in the 1945 Constitution. The 1945 Constitution version of August 18, 1945. My third awareness is that I cannot succeed in restoring the country’s economic direction without political struggle. Therefore, in 2008, I established the Great Indonesia Movement Party, the GERINDRA Party.

In 2012, I was given a mandate by the GERINDRA Party to run for President of the Republic of Indonesia in the 2014 Election. Although not declared the winner, I received support from at least 62 million Indonesian people who participated in the election. In 2018, I again received a mandate from the GERINDRA Party to run for President of the Republic of Indonesia in the 2019 Election. Although not declared the winner, I received support from at least 68 million Indonesian people who participated in the election. The GERINDRA Party, although only established in 2008, also received the second most votes in the 2019 Legislative Election. That is why I wrote this book. I want more Indonesian citizens to know where Indonesia as a country and a nation is now and how Indonesia will advance in the future.

I believe that the support I and the GERINDRA Party have received in the General Election is because of the vision, mission, and work programs that I offer to all the people of Indonesia. Because of the ideas I convey. As a political fighter, it is an honor for me to fight for a just and prosperous Indonesia, as envisioned by our founding fathers. This vision has encouraged our founding fathers to fight for Indonesia’s independence.

The declaration of Indonesia’s independence in August 1945 was a bridge to realize a just and prosperous society. However, after 78 years of independence, justice and prosperity for all Indonesian people have not been achieved. I say this because I always pay attention to the figures related to our economic and political conditions. At present, our state budget is far from ideal. Our tax revenue is relatively low compared to economic activity, or our tax ratio is very low, below 10%. Besides the budget being too small to carry out everything we need to do, economically we are finding it difficult to stand on our own feet.

The limited state budget reduces the country’s ability to finance welfare programs. Human development must be the top priority for a country. The state must ensure that every citizen has access to good education, health, and employment. The state must also ensure the availability of entrepreneurial opportunities for every citizen.

We need to pursue the progress of the country’s infrastructure. We also need to pursue the success of other countries in improving the welfare of the people and reducing income inequality. The welfare of the people and reducing income inequality must be the main work program, followed by pursuing infrastructure progress.

No matter how good the intention, a political struggle will not succeed if not done collectively. Collective struggle is much better done together with people who have the same goals. That is why I have decided to join the Maju Indonesia Cabinet with my former rival in the 2019 Election, President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma’aruf Amin. President Jokowi now shares the same views as me, and we are both determined to realize the ideals of the founding fathers.

Political education is needed to create a collective awareness. With collective awareness, we can participate in the great struggle to realize the ideals of Indonesia’s independence: a fair and prosperous people.

Our struggle to realize the ideals of independence is not an easy struggle. We have to fight against neo-colonialism, against the global capitalist system and its implementers. We have to fight against those who want Indonesia to always be weak, who weaken our agriculture, processing industry, and basic industry.

If we want to know whether our economic achievements over the past 30 years have been good or not, we have to compare them with the economic achievements of other countries. For example, we can compare them with China and Singapore. China’s economic activity was only 3.6 times larger than Indonesia’s in 1985, but now China is 12.8 times larger than Indonesia. The reason for China’s rapid economic growth is because China implements the principles of state capitalism, or state capitalism.

In comparison, in managing vital production and natural resources, we have handed over control to the market mechanism. In an oligarchic system, the country’s economy is controlled by a handful of super-rich individuals. They have excessive power. Their power determines the economic and political life of Indonesia.

In conclusion, we need to make changes to realize the ideals of the founding fathers. We have to work collectively to realize a just and prosperous Indonesia. Making welfare programs and reducing income inequality the top priority.

This struggle will not be finished only in this government’s time and in the next government’s time. Therefore, it is important to raise awareness among as many Indonesian citizens as possible about the challenges of our nation. Political education is needed to create collective awareness. Only with collective awareness, can we participate in the great and long struggle to realize the ideals of Indonesia’s independence: a fair and prosperous people.

Brothers and sisters, let’s work together to realize a just and prosperous Indonesia.

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