Sosialisasi Permenaker Nomor 4 Tahun 2023: PMI Wajib Bergabung dengan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

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Sosialisasi Permenaker Nomor 4 Tahun 2023: PMI Wajib Bergabung dengan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

Minister of Manpower (Manpower) Ida Fauziah recently conducted Socialization of Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 4 of 2023 concerning Social Security for Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) in Malang Regency. Accompanied by the Director of Strategic Planning and Information Technology of the Employment Social Security Administration (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan) Zainudin and Deputy Regent of Malang Didik Gatot Subroto, Minister Ida Fauziah invited all prospective PMIs to ensure that they have received protection from the government through BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

As a form of appreciation to these national foreign exchange heroes, Minister Ida Fauziah said that the country is committed to ensuring the fulfillment of PMI’s rights in social security, both before departing, during, and even after returning to the homeland. “Together with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, the Ministry of Manpower strives to optimize the participation of social security for prospective PMIs and PMIs, especially in Malang Regency,” said Ida.

East Java Province is the largest province in providing placements for PMIs, and Malang Regency ranks 7th as the district/city with the most placements in Indonesia. Ida said it was very important for her to personally ensure protection for PMIs and Prospective PMIs. “Malang Regency ranks 7th in the number of districts/cities with placements for foreign migrant workers abroad, totaling 6,489 people. 13% of the total placement of PMIs in East Java comes from Malang Regency,” she said.

“Ministry of Manpower Regulation Number 4 of 2023 is one of the government’s efforts to comprehensively protect Indonesian migrant workers,” added Ida.

Deputy Regent of Malang Didik Gatot Subroto expressed his gratitude to the Minister of Manpower and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan for jointly providing and ensuring protection for all prospective PMIs, especially those from Malang.

This event also included the handing over of a death benefit of Rp 85 million to the heir of the late Erick Kurniawan, a PMI who died in his destination country in Japan. Didik hoped that this would serve as an example for all PMI service providers, from Indonesian Overseas Employment Companies (PJTKI) to the Vocational Training Center (BLK), to continue working together with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan to introduce and invite all candidates to become participants of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

Closing the statement to the press, Director of Strategic Planning and Information Technology Zainudin stated that BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is ready to implement social security for employment according to the provisions and regulations in place, including Ministerial Regulation 4/2023.

“We are mandated by law to protect all Indonesian workers. With this Ministerial Regulation, without any additional contributions, PMIs will receive 7 new benefits and 9 other benefits whose values ​​have increased from the previous Ministerial Regulation,” said Zainudin.

“Please make sure that PMIs are registered with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan since training, we will provide protection from the risks of work accidents, death risks, and old age risks, all of which will allow migrant workers to work hard in the deployment country and be free from anxiety leading to prosperous Indonesian Migrant Workers,” he continued.

Separately, Head of the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Pasuruan Branch Office Trioki Susanto said that through the social security program, PMIs could obtain comprehensive social security protection from before, during, and after work.

According to him, PMIs also have a high risk in their work. Therefore, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is present and committed to protecting all workers, especially PMIs.

There are 7 benefits that will be provided, including reimbursement of medical costs due to work accidents in the country of placement up to a maximum of Rp 50 million, home care for 1 year with a maximum cost of Rp 20 million, reimbursement of hearing aids up to Rp 2.5 million.

Then, replacement of glasses up to Rp 1 million, unilateral layoff assistance Rp 1.5 million, assistance for PMIs placed not in accordance with the employment agreement amounting to Rp 25 million as well as reimbursement of transportation costs up to a maximum of Rp 15 million, and assistance money for PMIs who experience rape amounting to Rp 50 million.

“As for benefits with additional value, namely death benefits, periodic benefits due to permanent total disability, benefits due to failed departure, benefits due to failed placement, costs for repatriating problematic PMIs, costs for repatriating PMIs who have work accidents, replacement costs for dentures, and scholarships for education or job training,” concluded Trioki. (Adv)

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Journalist: Editorial

Editor: Satria Galih Saputra
